More on Quantum Computing


Quantum computing seems like it would be possible in the next generation, or probably the one after that. However, Serguei Beloussov, CEO and founder of data security firm Acronis claims that a quantum-dominated world will be possible in a decade.

Regular computers are based on the binary code, which means they operate using 0’s and 1’s. However, quantum computers are far more flexible and they can use both 0’s and 1’s at the same time. To elaborate, if the computer’s operating system were made of several boxes and each box only contains either a 0 or 1, a quantum computer’s boxes could contain both. Recently, Google has been able to simulate a hydrogen molecule with one of its quantum computers, which is a breakthrough in the area since it is now possible to simulate far more complex, various chemical systems.

The main controversy considering quantum computing is security. Many believe people will be able to protect their privacy using quantum technology, while many others believe security will be easier to breach when the technology is available.

The ones that believe quantum computing is secure claim that when someone tries to hack information encrypted in a quantum state, the fragile particles will be affected so easily that it would be possible to destroy the data’s quantum state. On the other hand, those who believe quantum computing is actually dangerous argue that since computers can be much faster, it is easier to figure out how to break the encryption.




In, Nan-Hie. “A Quantum Computing-Dominated World Is Coming In Less Than 10 Years, Says CEO Of Acronis”. ForbesTech. 15 August 2016. Web. 17 August 2016

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